Do You Offer the Common Core?
Algoma Christian has always been mindful of state and national standards, but too often these change according to the educational philosophies of the day. Rather than following these trends, ACS has always developed its own curriculum, using materials from Christian publishing houses whenever possible. We have designed our program so that it will meet or exceed every state and national standard while ensuring that the content is both academically rigorous and spiritually wholesome. Occasionally, we will use materials from secular publishers if we believe those produced by Christian publishers are inferior. However, in these cases, we carefully screen and adapt them for our students.
Are All Of Your Teachers Christians?
Most definitely! All of our teachers are in full agreement with the school's statement of faith, and each one must provide a clear testimony of their personal relationship with Jesus Christ, explaining how that relationship works out in their daily life. Each teacher is expected to both teach and model for students a lifestyle that is in complete agreement with Biblical values. They are encouraged and expected to provide a Biblical perspective for every subject they teach. They daily pray with and for our children. Having Christian teachers is one of the most important things that distinguishes a Christian school from a public or charter school.
Are All Of Your Teachers Qualified?
Yes. All of our teachers have four-year Bachelor's degrees with majors or minors in the appropriate subjects. About 60% also have Master's degrees. Virtually all of them are certified by the state as well as the Association of Christian Schools International. The ACSI certification meets the same requirements as AdvancEd, but includes requirements for training in Biblical Studies and the Christian Philosophy of Education. The proof of their expertise is evident in standardized test scores which exceed state and national averages as well as the college admissions rate of our graduates.
Do You Teach About World Religions?
We carefully expose our high school students to the fundamentals of the world's major religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism) so that they will fully understand the belief systems of the billions of people on our planet who subscribe to these views. More importantly, we demonstrate for them how these religions fail to offer a fully satisfactory solution to the problems of sin and why all people need to encounter the saving love of Jesus Christ.
Do You Teach About Evolution?
We teach about it, but we do not subscribe to it. We believe that children need to understand the arguments in favor of evolution so that they will be well-equipped to address them when they leave ACS, but we also teach them how to counter those arguments not only with scripture but also with scientific evidence in favor of creation.
Algoma Christian has always been mindful of state and national standards, but too often these change according to the educational philosophies of the day. Rather than following these trends, ACS has always developed its own curriculum, using materials from Christian publishing houses whenever possible. We have designed our program so that it will meet or exceed every state and national standard while ensuring that the content is both academically rigorous and spiritually wholesome. Occasionally, we will use materials from secular publishers if we believe those produced by Christian publishers are inferior. However, in these cases, we carefully screen and adapt them for our students.
Are All Of Your Teachers Christians?
Most definitely! All of our teachers are in full agreement with the school's statement of faith, and each one must provide a clear testimony of their personal relationship with Jesus Christ, explaining how that relationship works out in their daily life. Each teacher is expected to both teach and model for students a lifestyle that is in complete agreement with Biblical values. They are encouraged and expected to provide a Biblical perspective for every subject they teach. They daily pray with and for our children. Having Christian teachers is one of the most important things that distinguishes a Christian school from a public or charter school.
Are All Of Your Teachers Qualified?
Yes. All of our teachers have four-year Bachelor's degrees with majors or minors in the appropriate subjects. About 60% also have Master's degrees. Virtually all of them are certified by the state as well as the Association of Christian Schools International. The ACSI certification meets the same requirements as AdvancEd, but includes requirements for training in Biblical Studies and the Christian Philosophy of Education. The proof of their expertise is evident in standardized test scores which exceed state and national averages as well as the college admissions rate of our graduates.
Do You Teach About World Religions?
We carefully expose our high school students to the fundamentals of the world's major religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism) so that they will fully understand the belief systems of the billions of people on our planet who subscribe to these views. More importantly, we demonstrate for them how these religions fail to offer a fully satisfactory solution to the problems of sin and why all people need to encounter the saving love of Jesus Christ.
Do You Teach About Evolution?
We teach about it, but we do not subscribe to it. We believe that children need to understand the arguments in favor of evolution so that they will be well-equipped to address them when they leave ACS, but we also teach them how to counter those arguments not only with scripture but also with scientific evidence in favor of creation.
What About Transportation?
Most children come in carpools with parents or older sibling drivers. We have families and staff that come from as far away as Wyoming to the south, Greenville to the east, Muskegon to the west, and Fremont to the north. There always seems to be someone near enough to arrange carpools. Here are some common driving times (in minutes) from city center: Muskegon (41), Grand Rapids (32), Howard City (30), Rockford (25), Cedar Springs (19), Sparta (10), Kent City (6).
We also have a bus that runs from Newago to Sand Lake and then down to Cedar Springs and Rockford (13 Mile Road) before coming west to the school. Our rates are very reasonable, and one fee covers all your children. Please contact the Main Office for more specific information pertinent to your location.
Most children come in carpools with parents or older sibling drivers. We have families and staff that come from as far away as Wyoming to the south, Greenville to the east, Muskegon to the west, and Fremont to the north. There always seems to be someone near enough to arrange carpools. Here are some common driving times (in minutes) from city center: Muskegon (41), Grand Rapids (32), Howard City (30), Rockford (25), Cedar Springs (19), Sparta (10), Kent City (6).
We also have a bus that runs from Newago to Sand Lake and then down to Cedar Springs and Rockford (13 Mile Road) before coming west to the school. Our rates are very reasonable, and one fee covers all your children. Please contact the Main Office for more specific information pertinent to your location.
Do You Have a Hot Lunch Program?
Indeed we do! Every month a menu is distributed to parents who can decide which meals to purchase for their children.
Indeed we do! Every month a menu is distributed to parents who can decide which meals to purchase for their children.
Do You Have a Problem with Bullying?
Virtually every school has some bullying, but schools vary widely in the nature and extent of it. Christian schools, and ACS specifically, have far less bullying that ends in physical injury or involves the use of weapons. However, even Christian schools have some experience with hurtful teasing. Our first line of defense is to train our students how they can overcome the bully on their own by using the approach taught by nationally recognized expert Jeff Veley. We monitor situations when they occur and intervene when necessary. Repeat or serious offenders are disciplined; and if they refuse to repent, they will be asked to leave the school. We also train our students how to address cyberbullying. (See our Computer Science page.)
Virtually every school has some bullying, but schools vary widely in the nature and extent of it. Christian schools, and ACS specifically, have far less bullying that ends in physical injury or involves the use of weapons. However, even Christian schools have some experience with hurtful teasing. Our first line of defense is to train our students how they can overcome the bully on their own by using the approach taught by nationally recognized expert Jeff Veley. We monitor situations when they occur and intervene when necessary. Repeat or serious offenders are disciplined; and if they refuse to repent, they will be asked to leave the school. We also train our students how to address cyberbullying. (See our Computer Science page.)
Do You Have a Home School Program?
We do offer a Home School Partnership for academics and athletics. Home school children can take a class or join sports teams when there is room to do so. We can also provide standardized testing services and some program consultation. All of these are available on a fee for service basis. For more details or questions, please contact the Main Office at 616-678-7480 and speak with Mrs. Amy Russell.
We do offer a Home School Partnership for academics and athletics. Home school children can take a class or join sports teams when there is room to do so. We can also provide standardized testing services and some program consultation. All of these are available on a fee for service basis. For more details or questions, please contact the Main Office at 616-678-7480 and speak with Mrs. Amy Russell.
Do You Accept International Students?
Every year we welcome students from around the world who want to get a world class education here at Algoma Christian. We believe that our school is enriched by their presence and that we can expand our influence beyond our four walls by impacting these young people for Christ. Prospective students must have reasonable competence in English, desire to attend our school, and agree to abide by our standards. The videos below give you a good sense of how that is working. For further information, see our International Students Program.
Every year we welcome students from around the world who want to get a world class education here at Algoma Christian. We believe that our school is enriched by their presence and that we can expand our influence beyond our four walls by impacting these young people for Christ. Prospective students must have reasonable competence in English, desire to attend our school, and agree to abide by our standards. The videos below give you a good sense of how that is working. For further information, see our International Students Program.
Do You Accept Special Needs Students?
Yes. We have a number of students with a variety of special learning needs. Some have specific learning disabilities that impact their performance in specific subjects or with particular tasks. Others have more complex cognitive and affective disorders that hamper learning across a wide spectrum. In general, we have been very successful providing for the needs of students with mild or moderate special needs in our regular classrooms. We do this through the use of Teacher Aides as well as support specialists from Kent City Public Schools. However, we do not have a program for students with more severe needs that require specially trained support staff on site on a daily basis. Each child's needs are unique and each one requires an individual assessment. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss your child's particular needs and determine whether or not ACS is a good fit.
Yes. We have a number of students with a variety of special learning needs. Some have specific learning disabilities that impact their performance in specific subjects or with particular tasks. Others have more complex cognitive and affective disorders that hamper learning across a wide spectrum. In general, we have been very successful providing for the needs of students with mild or moderate special needs in our regular classrooms. We do this through the use of Teacher Aides as well as support specialists from Kent City Public Schools. However, we do not have a program for students with more severe needs that require specially trained support staff on site on a daily basis. Each child's needs are unique and each one requires an individual assessment. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss your child's particular needs and determine whether or not ACS is a good fit.
How does your school handle the issue of gender-neutral bathrooms and locker rooms?
We do not have gender neutral bathrooms for our students. Boys are not permitted in the girls’ restrooms or locker rooms, and girls are not permitted in the boys’ restrooms or locker rooms.
How do you respond to the concerns of transgender individuals?
We believe that Jesus spoke the truth when He said, “From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female” Mark 10:6. (See also Genesis 1:27.) We also believe that anything God declares to be true in His Word will be supported by an objective examination of reality. Reality indicates that there are only two genders: male and female. The distinctions between them are supported by physiology (bone structure, genitalia), biology (hormones), and genetics (chromosomes, DNA). Sadly, some people’s psychological state (self-perception) does not agree with their physiological, biological, or genetic reality. In those cases, we believe that the problem lies not with the facts of creation but with the confused response to that creation. We further believe that the solution, therefore, is not surgery or hormone replacement, but counseling. The goal is to help people adjust their thinking to reality rather than trying to adjust reality to a person’s thinking.
We do not have gender neutral bathrooms for our students. Boys are not permitted in the girls’ restrooms or locker rooms, and girls are not permitted in the boys’ restrooms or locker rooms.
How do you respond to the concerns of transgender individuals?
We believe that Jesus spoke the truth when He said, “From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female” Mark 10:6. (See also Genesis 1:27.) We also believe that anything God declares to be true in His Word will be supported by an objective examination of reality. Reality indicates that there are only two genders: male and female. The distinctions between them are supported by physiology (bone structure, genitalia), biology (hormones), and genetics (chromosomes, DNA). Sadly, some people’s psychological state (self-perception) does not agree with their physiological, biological, or genetic reality. In those cases, we believe that the problem lies not with the facts of creation but with the confused response to that creation. We further believe that the solution, therefore, is not surgery or hormone replacement, but counseling. The goal is to help people adjust their thinking to reality rather than trying to adjust reality to a person’s thinking.
A Film on DiversityThis film was produced by our students and was one of 10 finalists in the Meijer Great Choices Student Film Festival in 2015.