Meet the Algoma Christian School Board:

Scott Anderson (2020-2026) is the ACS School Board President. His children have been attendees of ACS, in 11th, 8th, and 6th grade (plus a 2024 graduate). Scott is a senior program manager/estimator for JBC Technologies, Inc. He is a member of the Development Committee, Executive Committee, and Ad-Hoc Committee that oversees a Review of By-Laws and Policy Manual. Scott says he loves ACS because “The Christ-centered worldview and Christian community that teachers, support staff, administration and parents have created here at ACS has been great for our entire family.”

Brent Parker (2024-2027) is a current ACS parent of a 10th grader. He is an accountant/CFO by day, and serves as the School Board Vice President. Brent is also a member of the Finance Committee, Ad-Hoc (By-Laws & Policy Review) Committee, and Executive Committee here at ACS. Brent and his wife love knowing that the things being taught at ACS are in line with their Christian views.

Roxanne Anderson (2022-2025) is a current ACS parent. Her daughter started out in Wee Knights and is currently a 7th grader. Roxanne is a forensic accountant by day, and serves as the Treasurer of our ACS School Board. She’s also a part of the Executive Committee, Finance Committee, and Ad-Hoc (By-Laws & Policy Review). Roxanne says, “Having a God-centered school for our daughter to attend has been very important to us. The Wee Knights staff and ACS teachers we have encountered over the years have all been wonderful. The smaller class sizes are a plus for us as well.”

Jason Doncis (2023-2026) is a current ACS parent of three daughters in 11th, 7th, and 3rd grade. He is the CEO of GRBS, Inc. (a contract cleaning company), and serves as the ACS School Board Secretary, Athletic Committee Board representative, and the Executive Committee. Jason says, “ACS has provided an enriching environment where our girls have been able to build thriving relationships while being challenged academically, all with Christ at its center. Here at ACS they are getting a well rounded experience through small groups, chapel, athletics, and serving along with the traditional classroom learning. It has been amazing to watch our girls really come alive in their personalities and passions since they have been at ACS.”

Chris Kooienga (2024-2027) is a current parent of ACS students, with kids in 11th, 10th, and 6th grade. He’s the owner of Premier Auto and Truck Parts in Cedar Springs, and is currently serving his 8th year on the board. He’s a part of the Finance Committee and the Parent/Teacher Fellowship Committee. He loves ACS because of the Christ-centered education his kids are receiving.

Scott Toth (2022-2025) is an ACS alumnus, class of 1999. This is his third year on the board, and he’s part of the Ad-Hoc Committee. He and his wife have two boys attending school here, in 4th and 5th grade. Scott is an electrical contractor with Fine Line Electric LLC. Scott says he loves Algoma because it “is a light in the world of education as it continues to keep God at the cornerstone of the foundation. Because of this my wife and I have confidence that our children are being taught in an environment that lines up with our belief in our Creator and Savior and that they are able to grow in knowledge based on truth. Along with this we have seen the growth in opportunities that ACS offers for solid education and development of well rounded young adults moving into the next part of their life. We are truly blessed to have the opportunity to have our children attend here.”

Danielle Mysliwiec (2024-2027) and her husband Joe are current ACS parents with students in 7th and 6th grade. While her day job is a Registered Nurse for Somatus, she is also a member of the ACS Spiritual Formation Committee and the Friday Morning Prayer Group. Danielle says, "we love ACS because it provides a high level of biblical and personalized education. They do this while maintaining the values, morals and ethics we live by in our own home. As a result, our children have a stronger, deeper, and richer biblical worldview. We feel ACS is an extension of our own home. The leadership, teachers and staff members are prayerful and diligent in supporting, growing, and maintaining the ACS we love.”

Mitch Taylor (2025-2028) and his wife Erica are the parents of four ACS students: classes of '25, '27, '29, & '31. He is the Senior Leader of Living Stones, a local church in Sand Lake, and currently serves on the Spiritual Formation Committee. He loves ACS for both the practical and spiritual realities. Having K-12 Christian education is essential for training up young men and women to be consecrated followers of Jesus! All four of his children have thrived academically and spiritually in the seven years they have called ACS home!
A Board Member may serve two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms. After a minimum of one (1) year off, a member may serve another two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms.